The 14-station way of the CROSS located at Siren District is another proof of TACLOBANON'S faith to God. every lenten season, this place is crowded with thousands of CATHOLICS who celebrates the passion of CHRIST through the 14 station of the CROSS.
it's cemented stairs eases the pilgrims on going up to the last station where you could see the tall RESURRECTED CHRIST statue.
the complete 14 life-sized stations were made of pure cement and painted white and of some primary colors.
every year, our family went to here on the morning of GOOD FRIDAY, and we could see pilgrims walking in their bare foot in the streets heading to the CALVARY HILL. the whole place is feasted with vendors who sells foods and some religious stuffs. the little boys sells candles and flowers. young and old pilgrims, sung the passion of the Christ.
the topmost statue of the RESURRECTED CHRIST faces the whole city, his arms held high which seems to bless TACLOBAN. some throw money on the statue which has a screen fence and asks for wishes and petitions. also on top you will see the whole city and the SAN JUANICO STRAIT and it's BRIDGE. you may enjoy the beauty and its other side (the squatters who settled near the calvary hill)
you will see some biblical characters who were involved in the passion of the Christ. the whole diorama is life-sized so you could feel it more than it's cement-made faces.
the fresh breeze of the San Juanico Strait will ease the heat that the candles emits and the heat of the sun.
by night, you will see the great candles lighted in the whole area when you are attending the procession of the dead Christ in from Romualdez Street-Rizal Avenue-Avenida Veteranos.

this place is not exclusive for lenten season only, you could go there anytime you want and have a solemn time on remembering Christ's sufferings.

pictures courtesy of Rhossill Comia
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