i could still remember those days when i was just an elementary pupil.
first class after lunch was ENGLISH. it was GRADE 4 and our professor was my sister's bestfriend's aunt. she was nice, kind and a good teacher they say, but i did not learned a lot, or should i say i did not learned any. why? because i used to cut class during her period. i go with my other classmates and spend the rest of the time playing card games and football.
during examinations and quizzes, i used to bully my seat mate to let me take a look at her paper just a little bit, and wallah! i could easily get not the perfect score but one of the top 5.
before the final examinations, we usually have a UNIT TEST and it's composed of 2 sets, 50-50. objective and essay. i couldn't still forgot how i was able to answer my teacher's silly question.
if you will become an animal, what do you wan to be? and why?
because i was so eager to finish the test, that time i chose LION,
"i want to become a lion because the lion is the king of the jungle, all of the animals respects him and bows on him. Lions are born brave and capable of surviving through their own. they fear nothing..."
that was some of my reasonings during those time. and here's some of it
"..because i love lions, i even want to have it in our house, but they are scary. my ate (sister) always told that LIONS are bad and scary."
and i could still really remember my inspiration why i chose LION
"..and because i love the movie LION KING. my mama brought me a big SIMBA puzzle from davao and a big poster and toys too."
funny me. the whole article was a mess and didn't even had a direct thought from the question, but what do you expect? LOL
after that, i hastily went outside and played with my cousins who patiently waited for me.
NOW, if i'll be asked with the same question, my answer would've been
a TURTLE. why? (nothing against my favorite animal FROGGY)
turtles are versatile, because they are amphibians. they could survive in wet and in dry places. they could exist in a very long span and they carry their house.
turtles could also be a nice pet, yet they move slow, they could still go to their destination.
what we could see in them are:
they could enjoy FREEDOM, because they could their house wherever and whenever they want. swim into the deepest part of the sea, move into the driest part of the land. when they WALK, they take very little steps slowly and makes sure it is the right way. they could witness a longer experience through living in a longer span. they need not to be feared by some animals and need not to scare others.

turtles are also said to be determined and not lazy, despite of their slow motion, they could still survive and continues to exist. they are not the ideal MAN's bestfriend but they could teach us a lot.
they could not provide us milk nor the normal meat we could eat, but the learnings we could earn from them will satiate our brain. i could still remember how this little animal was used is the story of the HARE and the TURTLE, and also THE MONKEY AND THE TURTLE (Ang Pagong at ang MATSING), i hope you know how the turtle is being set as an example as one of the HUMBLEST animal on earth that's why if i'll chose of becoming an animal, a turtle will fit for me.
how about you?
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