when you pass along Magsaysay Boulevard, a lady erected in the middle of Kanhuraw will take your eyes, the MADONNA OF JAPAN or MADONNA MARIA KANNON (its official name) is a monument in the heart of the city. it is located at the KANHURAW HILL, near Tacloban City Hall, facing Kankabato Bay.
the monument stood up as a symbol of friendship between the JAPANESE and the FILIPINOS. the fact that it is built in Tacloban City is that because the city was able to play a big role in World War 2. from the arrival of the US Troops to the defeat of the JAPANESE.
here's a brief history:
During the Second World War, the place became a campground both for the American and Japanese soldiers. Many of the folks here gave their lives at stake just to help in liberating the subjugated Philippine islands. Young men were forced to become soldiers in favor of the Americans. Women were also enjoined to look after and take care of the young men in the battlefield. Those years indeed brought dreadful experiences to the people of Leyte.

During those years, the Japanese soldiers were considered enemies. They were the subject of revulsion among Filipino people. Anybody who sees Japanese would yell out in disdain. However, as years pass by, the Japanese government and its people tried to establish comradeship with the Filipinos. Thus, Japan and the Philippines became friends and started to support each other for progress.
As a symbol of peace between the Filipino and Japanese people thirty three (33) years after the Second World War, this stone monument of the Madonna Maria Kannon (populary know as Madonna of Japan) is erected in memory of the brave soldiers who fought and died in the battlefield.
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Every time some Japanese went to Tacloban, they at least take a chance to visit the monument and offer flowers on it.

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